Model Iphone 8 5.5 Inci Dan 4.7 Inci Akan Dibekali Kapasitas Baterai Yang Sama

Menurut Kuo, "logic board" akan ditumpuk ibarat halnya "substrate-like PCB (SLP) mainboard" sehingga model iPhone 8 dengan layar OLED berukuran 4.7 inci punya daya tahan baterai yang sama dengan iPhone 8 ukuran 5.5 inci ibarat dilansir dari laman MacRumors.
As battery material tech isn’t likely to see major breakthroughs in the next 3-5 years, mainboard area can only be reduced via stacked SLP, which makes space for larger battery and extended usage time. Thanks to stacked SLP, we expect the OLED iPhone to have similar dimensions to a 4.7” TFT-LCD iPhone, and have comparable battery capacity (equipped with around 2,700 mAh L-shaped 2-cell battery pack) to a 5.5” TFT-LCD iPhone. The battery life of the OLED iPhone could be better than that of the 5.5” TFT-LCD model as OLED panels are more energy-efficient than their TFT-LCD counterparts.
Kuo juga menambahkn bahwa daya tahan baterai iPhone 8 dengan layar OLED justru akan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model yang ukuran 5.5 inci dengan layar LCD biasa sebab layar OLED lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan TFT-LCD.