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Zero Fiction Mod Apk

Zero Fiction is an anime action game where you face various kinds of monsters that will surround your world. A video game that puts forward an aesthetic anime and amazing graphics. Absolutely awesome game, both from graphics and from the battle. With anime-style visuals that spoil the eyes.

This game has 3 characters and all of them are cwe. Yes indeed, at the beginning of the game we are told to choose 2 among the three characters. But the character we didn't choose will eventually join the party. All three have different weapons, namely armed with swords, pistols and staff (witches). If you think about it, my friend said. If the battle system of this game is similar to the Valkyrie Profile game series. Turn-based, but the character can attack enemies like an Action game. The battle is cool.

The combat system in Zero Fiction is very great and intuitive, similar to the action turn-based game: the fight will take turns and you will attack by tapping the face icon of each character. The key to this fight is to make a combo continuously in your turn to get as many points as possible at the end of the fight. Your pendekar has different skills and making combos will be crucial to defeating opponents as quickly as possible: melee attacks, moves and long-range shots. In addition to performing basic attacks on each character face icon, you have a kafe for special attacks that will fill themselves up while attacking. This special skill is used when you swipe upwards and generally has a very effective effect. And by using this mod, you will be able to use the special skills everytime you want.

Zero Fiction is a really awesome video game that differs from other Action RPGs on Android devices in offering a more real experience. It has 3D graphics that are not left behind from the great games in the world.
-Unlimited Skills
Link Download:

APK Size: 45mb
OBB Size: 194mb

Extract the file and move the extracted folder "com.MCKC.ZeroFiction" to "Storage/Android/Obb/here..."

See you next time and stay tuned!