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The Elder Scrolls Mobile: Skyrim Pocket Edition Apk

Skyrim is an open world action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios & an RPG Elder Scrolls series set in North Tamriel, Skyrim. The most in-demand game of its time that presents a wide variety of gameplay, and abundant quests. And now you can play this most popular action RPG game in your mobile android devices. The game is a fanmade which titled with The Elder Scrolls Mobile: Skyrim Pocket Edition, so since this game is just a fangame, the features provided will not be much like the original. But it is still worth it to experience the popular Skyrim android in your smartphone!

Bethesda's 2011 game is the fifth installment of the historically-packed The Elder Scrolls franchise. As an RPG game, the franchise often sparks many groundbreaking new concepts. Lastly, Skyrim was able to develop many aspects that eventually made many games now reflect on him. It is natural that finally this game gets a lot of awards and deserves to be awarded as the best game of all time.

Taking on a fantasy theme, the premise of the story in Skyrim is certainly very interesting for its fans. The presence of dragons, witches, kesatira, to many mythical races such as dwarfs to giants can be found in the northern wilderness of Tamriel named Skyrim. The highest mountain peak is usually inhabited by dragons while in it there are also many caves and treasures that we can hunt.

As the main character, the player will play as Dragonborn, an ancient race that has ties to the dragons. Over time, we will uncover the feud between the kingdoms in Skyrim and reveal our destiny as Dragonborn. One of the things that makes this game so exciting is the very lively environment. Wading through the wild in this game is very memorable because in it we can find many monsters, wild animals, to thieves and ignorant bandits. Against many types of enemies makes this game provide a peerless experience.

One of the things that makes Skyrim android very effective is the freedom offered in the game. Yep, we can start the adventure further on our own without having to follow a series of quests. But, of course, there is a risk because enemies and NPCs will react aggressively to players.

In the game, we can also mess up in the city, rob innocent villagers, to ride dragons to create chaos. This is one of the games that must be tried for life by game lovers because the experience offered is very interesting. There is no karmic system like in Fallout so players can cleverly survive the siege of soldiers if they want to mess up in the game. You can download the Skyrim android apk in the link given below. The game might not perfect, but they are good for your gaming collections!
-HD Graphics
-Items & Equipment
-Battle System
-Day & Night Cycle
-And So Much More!!
Link Download:

Size: 770mb

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