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Costum Rom Z3c Max Ultra Fury Alliance™ 1.0

Ini yaitu costum rom dengan banyak fiture yang di tanamkan dalam rom ini, dan costum rom ini di peruntukan untuk android 6.0.1. adapun fiturenya :
Features and Changelog
- Full ROM
- Deodexed
- Debloated Agressive
- Superuser mod, services.jar patched
- TWRP 3.0.2
- ROM rooted
- Enable Init.d
- xAlliance Script  New script RXSW  
- CPU completely Optimized
- Optimized battery usage
- Perfect Sound MOD
- Xperia X theme and Icon Pack
- Xperia X SystemUI With lock screen button
- Build.Prop Tweaks
- Xperia X bootanimation
- Optimized for multitasking
- Systemui round notifications
- Settings Xperia Performance Max Ultra Fury Alliance™
- Emoji in keyboard mounted
- Xposed Modules 
- Improved Doze
- DATA cleaning


- Z3 compact [D5833][D5803]
- Tested with LB/UB
- To install my rom you need be. Basic 203 all necessary files available in  Link  soon after you can Flash my rom.

How to install 
* Download the [ROM][6.0.1[D58xx][MM] Xperia Performance Max Ultra Fury Alliance™ 1.0 and place it on your sdcard.
* In your TWRP, just install.
* Reboot

  Removed Applications 

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